EUROCENTER AMOBA is the operator of the ECL program in Romania, as a National Examinations Center (NEC). Among the NEC’s responsibilities are the ECL accreditation of Test Centers, as well as the institution, operation and expansion of the network of ECL Regional Examination Centers in Romania.

What must an institution that wishes to become an authorized ECL Test Center do?

1. It must make sure that it satisfies all real conditions (material resources and personnel) necessary for the progression of written and oral ECL exams. The ECL standards are listed on The Standards of ECL centers in Romania page.

2. It must make a request and send it to the CNE address, based on the accreditation request form, which it can also procure by downloading it here.

3. As a result of receiving this form, the CNE designates an auditor who will visit the center’s office. For the fulfillment of this audit, the center pays and audit tax equal to 100 Euros.

4. In the event of a favorable report, the center will be allotted a code number which must be included in all of its correspondence. The center will receive an ECL Start package, comprised of: Guide to the organization and progression of exams, which includes the
ECL examination standards, Guide to oral exams and information concerning the ECL exam, as well as an administration program.

5. We then proceed to the accreditation of the center’s ECL examiners and a sub-license contract is signed with the CNE, in exchange for a registration fee, payable only once, equal to 400 Euros.

6. From the moment of accreditation, ECL testing and training activities can commence.  The center’s accreditation is reconfirmed annually by the CNE based on previous year’s results. And ECL training and testing center does not have the obligation to perform this activity exclusively.

For more information please call: 0267 351959; or e-mail us at:

Harta Centre ECL


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Jooble - Locuri de munca si cursuri in Romania

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Colegiul Naţional Kölcsey Ferenc

Centrul National Kölcsey Ferenc

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