Szilvia Szabó founded the SZABÓ Language Prize from her private assets with the aim to promote talented language learners and committed language teachers in Hungary and in Romania.
The purpose of the prize is to encourage language learners to achieve the highest possible language proficiency and language teachers to teach language at a high-standard, using creative methods.
In 2001 Szilvia Szabó founded the language school Szabó Nyelviskola, which specializes in teaching English and other languages, and in technical translation and interpreting, and she has been working as its manager ever since. She has published numerous thematic, methodological and workbooks to help language learners in preparation for language tests in English, German and Hungarian as a foreign language. An Italian and a Slovakian language book were also published by the language school hallmarked by her name.
2017 was the first year for SZABÓ Nyelviskola és Fordítóiroda Kft to reward secondary grammar school students demonstrating excellence in learning English or German. Applications for the SZABÓ Language Prize tender were invited in 2018, and in light of its great success, the award is open to nominations for the third time. The detailed tender invitation is accessible on the websites, and and on the Facebook sites of SZABÓ Nyelviskola and of the ECL Language Test Centre.
Teachers and students of English and German are eligible for the prize in Hungary and in Romania. Every year the prize is awarded to several students and language teachers.
Eligibility criteria:
Teachers of English/German are expected to present the innovation applied in their educational activities and their teaching achievements.
Students of English/German should submit a language teacher’s recommendation including a justification for his or her nomination for the SZABÓ Language Prize.
The tender application should be in Hungarian or English, should be comprehensive and concise (not exceed one page of the size A4). Please use the Times New Roman font in size 11.
Submit the applications electronically, attached to an email message, at at the latest by 25 May 2020. The decision on the awards will be announced on 2 June, 2020. The applicants will be informed of the award in an email message. Applications submitted after the deadline or to a different email address will not be considered.
The SZABÓ Language Prize, open to applicants annually, is a professional recognition offering a certificate, a pack of language books and a high-value gift. Applications are administered and judged by the Board of Trustees comprising three members: Dr Judit Huszti (Director of the ECL Language Test Centre), Eszter Papp PhD (examiner and language teacher), and Szilvia Szabó PhD, managing director of SZABÓ Nyelviskola és Fordítóiroda Kft. The presents may only be collected in Hungary.