Übungsbuch zur ECL Prüfungsvorbereitung 5 Testsätze Tipps zur Aufgabenlösung Überarbeitete Auflage Deutsch Stufe C1 - NEW
Somfai Melinda
ISBN number: 978-615-5386-13-8
The book helps students prepare for the ECL Level C1 (advanced level) German examination. It contains five tests of the ECL Language examination, with real exam-like tasks for both the oral and the written part. The book is suitable for self-study (the answer keys help with that). It is ideal for learners who do not only wish to pass the exam successfully, but also wish to improve their German.
The audio files can be downloaded from the audio.szabonyelviskola.hu website with a code to be found in the textbook. The code will be valid for 24 hours, i.e. an entire day.