În data de 25 octombrie s-a derulat faza națională a concursului lingvistic național. Pe baza rezultatelor locale au fost nominalizate concurenții.
Sumarizare concurs
Perioada de desfășurare: 09.09 – 25.10 2019
Grupa de țintă: clasele V-VIII. + IX-XII.
Limba engleză, nivel A2, B2
Competențe vizate:
Faza locală: 10-11.10.2019, înțelegerea discursului scris și vorbit
Faza națională: 25.10.2019, exprimare scrisă (compoziție) și orală (vorbire)
545 înscriși la concurs, 314 B2/231 A2
26 școli și licee
Județe: Arad, Buzău, Covasna, Harghita, Mureș, Satu-Mare și Suceava
Licee si scoli:
Perioada de desfășurare: 09.09 – 25.10 2019
Grupa de țintă: clasele V-VIII. + IX-XII.
Limba engleză, nivel A2, B2
Competențe vizate:
Faza locală: 10-11.10.2019, înțelegerea discursului scris și vorbit
Faza națională: 25.10.2019, exprimare scrisă (compoziție) și orală (vorbire)
545 înscriși la concurs, 314 B2/231 A2
26 școli și licee
Județe: Arad, Buzău, Covasna, Harghita, Mureș, Satu-Mare și Suceava
Licee si scoli:
![Rezultate concurs 2019 diagram](/images/Rezultate_concurs_2019_diagram.jpg)
Performanță 2019: 37/50 puncte adica 74%
Rezultate faza locală:
Nivel B2
Nume Concurent | Clasa | Liceu | Media la faza locală |
Fehér Anna | X | Liceul Teologic Romano Catolic Hám János, Satu Mare | 48.75 |
Antal Márk | X | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Târgu Secuiesc | 47.50 |
Kelemen Rudolf | XI | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Târgu Secuiesc | 47.50 |
Vescan Bakcsy Bernáth Kristóf | X | Liceul Teoretic Bolyai Farkas, Târgu Mureş | 47.50 |
Nagy Szabolcs | XI | Liceul Teoretic Bolyai Farkas, Târgu Mureş | 46.25 |
Nivel A2
Nume Concurent | Clasa | Liceu |
Media la faza locală |
Bonda Botond | VIII | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Târgu Secuiesc | 50 |
Stanca Norina | VII | Colegiul Național “Petru Rareș “ , Suceava | 50 |
Ceanădan Denisa | VI | Liceul Teoretic Adam Müller Guttenbrunn, Arad | 50 |
Szabó Kincső | VIII | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Târgu Secuiesc | 48.75 |
Molnos Boglárka | VIII | Liceul Pedagogic Benedek Elek, Odorheiu Secuiesc | 48.75 |
La nivel național concurenții au dat două probe: exprimare în scris și oral. Subiecte la proba scrisă date la faza națională:
You have read an interesting article in an online magazine, about “Smart Homes”, homes of the future that you can control through your own smart phone devices: open gate, lights on, hot coffee awaits you. Share your thoughts and write an opinion (in about 200 words), include the following points:
Would you build a smart house system for yourself? Why/ Why not?
If you could design one, what would you incorporate?
Do you consider the age of “smart” devices worth following?
An English-speaking friend recently told you about a TED-talk that was about different schooling systems around the world. He/she wants to know your opinion on the topic. Write your friend an email (around 200 words), including the following points:
What would be your ideal system for gaining knowledge and finding your profession?
What would you change in your own educational system?
Do you consider home schooling or other alternative methods, useful?
Rezultate finale
Nivel B2
Clasament | Nume | Clasa | Liceu | Total |
I | Kelemen Rudolf | XI | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Târgu Secuiesc | 97.50 |
II | VESCAN Bakcsi B. Kristóf | X | Liceul Teoretic Bolyai Farkas, Tg. Mureș | 96.50 |
III | Nagy Szabolcs | XI | Liceul Teoretic Bolyai Farkas, Tg. Mureș | 92.25 |
Mențiune | Fehér Anna | X | Liceul Teologic Romano Catolic Hám János, Satu Mare | 94.75 |
Mențiune | Antal Márk | X | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Târgu Secuiesc | 94.50 |
Nivel A2
Clasament | Nume | Clasa | Liceu | Total |
I | Molnos Boglárka | VIII | Liceul Pedagogic Benedek Elek, Odorheiu Secuiesc | 98.25 |
II | Szabó Kincső | VIII | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Tg. Secuiesc | 97.75 |
III | Stanca Norina | VII | Colegiul Național Petru Rareș, Suceava | 97 |
Mențiune | Bonda Botond | VIII | Liceul Teoretic Nagy Mózes, Tg. Secuiesc | 94 |
Mențiune | Ceanădan Denisa | VI | Liceul Teoretic Adam Müller Guttenbrunn, Arad | 94 |
Felicitări tuturor participantițor la faza națională petru rezultatele excepționale!
Fragmente din lucrările concurenților
“Smart Homes”, homes of the future...
Lot`s of the aspects that make these houses smart, already exist in today`s homes.
If I had the money I would definitely build a smart house system for myself. But I would build in that way that I could do everything manually as well…
Today smart phones aren’t phenomenon, they are essentials most people`s life, a baby can control a phone sooner then he or she can talk…
I think controlling everything in your house is really futuristic and is a huge convenience.
…On the way home you find yourself in a traffic jam…and guess, what? You have a smart phone, combined with a smart home, so by just sending a message to your smart home, when you will get home, a cup of hot coffee will be waiting for you.
Consequently I would not integrate any smart device in my house in order to maintain my family`s health and security.
Its amazing where the world is heading. At this rate we will have walking and talking friends that we can buy.
For me, my phone is like a worker that only rests when I sleep.
Life wouldn’t be like this, if this technology didn’t exist. We wouldn’t be able to communicate we`re apart, we wouldn’t keep our household this organized as easily. However, we would live a more social life and would appreciate everything.
Change in your own educational system...
The education system in my country is really old in my opinion, and it needs some new modern ways to organize.
Learning from ripped books which are in very bad conditions isn’t the best, however some of our teachers prepare presentations for us…
The subjects are boring and hard to understand.
We have a lot more to study in general compared to other countries.
First of all I admire the educational system of Finland… I consider that by creating an educational system where teachers and students are equal and they treat each other with respect, we could influence every other part of the system.
Everyone should choose what they want to learn, so they can be good at it. And if homework was non-existent, students would be a lot healthier and happier too.
I think the ideal school system is where you need to keep the importance of a person as well as teach children to work together.